Hai semua ..
Kalian pasti tau kan ?? Apa "Cheat Engine" itu ??
Cheat Engine ini adalah sebuah software yang digunakan oleh para gamers untuk cheat permainan agar mendapatkan kemudahan dan akhirnya memperoleh kemenangan di dalam games. ya saya yakin kalian sudah pada tau kegunaan dari Cheat engine.
Cheat Engine yang saya berikan disini merupakan Cheat Engine Terbaru yaitu Cheat Engine 6.1 yang tentunya mempunyai beberapa kelebihan jika di bandingkan dengan versi sebelumnya berikut adalah kelebihan Cheat Engine 6.1
Cheat Engine
Fixed DBVM from not working
Fixed Kernelmode debugging with DBVM in 64-bit
Several disassembler fixes
Scanning errors now show the error
Fixed a few 16-bit assembler instructions
Fixed doubleclicking the assembler scan going to 00000000
Fixed the assembler scan going from ffffffff back to 0 and starting over again
Fixed autoattach causing huge memory leak
Fixed clicking nextscan when having 0 results
Fixed 8 byte scans so they it can now scan negative values
Prevent a 32-bit plugin from showing up error messages when loaded in the 64-bit ce version (It won't work)
Fixed the VEH debugger from not handling int3 breakpoints properly
Fixed XMM registers in the veh debugger
Fixed the VEH debugger from causing a program to hang when Cheat Engine is closed normally
Changes since public release: (max 7 days)
June 4 2011: Add the shellExecute lua function
June 5 2011: Fix assembling of movq
June 7 2011: Fix loading a table after having a table with files. And fix the listbox and combobox in the designer. And AOBscan script fix
June 9 2011: Fix lua memory scan creation and reading out the results
Added a structure spider which may help in finding ways to distinguish between two objects
Value scanning can now take formulas
Added a form designer to create lua extensions
Added an automated trainer generator that will generate a trainer script for you
Added lots and lots of new functions to the lua engine. Check the helpfile or main.lua
Added the ability to save binary files into a cheat table
Added an xm-player
Added columns to the stackview window
Added an option to choose if the disassembler should show 32-bit or 64-bit code
Added support to translate cheat engine to any language you want (check the language folder for more info)
Some speed improvements at several tools
Added undo last edit (ctrl+z) when editing values in a cheat table
Added extra option to the pointer rescan so you can filter out paths more specifically
Added custom comments to the assembler window
Added the ability to use lua variables inside auto assembler ( $luavariable )
Added syntax highlighting to lua
Changed the lua dlls with versions that don't need the C++ runtime installed
Changed the lua library to support 64-bit dll's
The lua script has been moved from the comments window to it's own menu on top
In the hexadecimal view when selecting 4 bytes and then pressing space will make you go there. Backspace returns
Added the .cetrainer file extension so you can download very small files and have great trainers
Itulah kelebihan fitur dari Cheat Engine Terbaru ini untuk downloadnya kalain bisa menggunakan IDM Portable yang menurut saya akan mempercepat proses download. ok untuk Download Cheat Engine silahkan bisa melalui link download dibawah.
Cheat Engine 6.1 :
Semoga bermanfaat ^^
Jumat, 13 April 2012
Free Download Cheat Engine 6.1
Diposting oleh
Ramadhana Kurnia
Related : Free Download Cheat Engine 6.1
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